Make sure to have a pen & paper handy. You will want to write your questions down for when you review the paperwork with your listing agent.
Listing Agreement
As your agent I advocate for you in the market and with you to make these tasks seamless. From completing your disclosures, to finding a buyer, and getting you paid. This document establishes a commitment so I can start working for you.
Lead Based Paint Disclosure
Built prior to 1978
This form is required by federal law if your home was built prior to 1978 when Lead Based Paint was still used. Here you discloses any knowledge you do or do not have on Lead Based Paint in your home.
Real Estate Agency Disclosure and Election
This form explains who represents you and who represents the buyer. Typically we represent you only. However, my broker and or myself may also represent the buyer as well. This is known as dual agency, when the same broker represents the buyer and seller. Moral of the story, your confidentiality is critical your home is listed. Do not share details of your listing with anybody but the agent and broker representing your listing.
Note: the fields filled out in these forms are for informational purposes only. They do not represent what will be on your listing agreement. These videos are intended for informational purposes ONLY. Your agent will review documents with you when you hire them.