Most homes report termite findings on the WDIIR. Buyers almost universally request these findings be resolved.

Pests including termites are typically superficial problems. However, they cause irreparable psychological damage to the transaction.

We see sometimes sewer roaches in some vacant homes. They crawl through dried out sewer drains into the house. The seller looses a buyer every time as my clients run out the door.


Wood destroying organisms, such as termites, are a hidden pest. They snack on your home and with enough time destroy the structure. Contracts do not require pest remediation but buyers always do after the pests are discovered.

Termite inspections

Most termites in Arizona are subterranean (in the ground). A chemical barrier in the soil deters their entry. These barriers must be reapplied, every few years.

A Wood Destroying Insect Infestation Report (WDIIR) as it’s called in Arizona, is ordered when a home is sold. Findings can be extremely expensive to remedy at this point so we always recommend seller’s order a WDIIR prior to listing their home.

  1. Order a WDIIR
  2. Complete prescribed treatments
  3. Have contractor file treatments with state
  4. Obtain a new clean copy of WDIIR
  5. Purchase a transferable termite warranty.

You want to ensure the pest professional files his work with the state immediately. Some wait a month prior to filing.

Make sure to also advertise your transferable termite warranty when you sell the home. This will work as an incentive to purchase your home. It also protects you against any excessively expensive last minute termite claims.

Time permitting you also want to rodent proof your home and possibly do some of your own pest treatments. Read here for more info:

How to do your own pest control

How to rodent proof your home