Home Ownership Tax DeductionI have really felt singled out and upset the last few years tax season came along.  It has been exceptionally challenging to launch a business and then learn about all the taxes I have to pay on top of it.

Then I met Cooper McGeorge, my accountant.  He helped me realize that taxes are really a measure of your success.  The more you pay to the government the more successful you are.  Optimism aside, deep down, nobody really enjoys paying taxes, including myself.  We all dream of a world where we can control where and who we share our hard earned dollars go.

Having a smart tax consultant like Cooper for a friend means I can take full advantage of allowable tax ride offs.  One of my biggest ride offs is actually not my business though, it’s my home.

That’s because the government really loves home owners.  They work hard, just as I do, to keep the American dream of home ownership alive.  They don’t go negotiate on homes and advise clients, though.  They provide tax incentives to help make home ownership more affordable.

Taking full advantage of home ownership government incentives

The trouble is Tax law is exceptionally complicated.  Where do you begin to take advantage of these home ownership tax benefits?

Nobody including yourself has time to maintain a job and read up on tax law every day.  That’s where good accountants like Cooper earn their keep.  I can tell you Cooper has many times over earned his fees in what he’s saved me in taxes.

Now he can help you do the same!

I brought Cooper into the office to explain about tax ride offs home owners can take advantage of.

Introducing Cooper McGeorge, Tax consultant & Owner of McGeorge Accounting Services

In the discussion below Cooper shares his best advice for reducing your taxes as a home owner.  These tips apply to anybody with their primary residence in Arizona.  Plus there is an awesome little tip on automobile ride offs you can take in Arizona.  You are sure to love the advice Cooper is soon to share with you!


  • How to reduce taxes through mortgage interest ride-off
  • Claim your property taxes as a deduction (not possible with renting)
  • Ride off mortgage insurance
  • Allowable closing cost ride offs
  • and more…

Right click save as to download the podcast to your computer

Got tax questions?

Tax law is exceptionally complex.  You will certainly have more questions for Cooper when you are done.  Grab a pen and paper while you listen to the podcast and write down any questions you have.  Drop him a line after the podcast at cjmcgeorge@gmail.com or call him at 520-610-2454 and make sure to tell him I (matthew) said hi!

Want to know more about Cooper McGeorge?

Cooper and his wife graduated from the University of Arizona back in 2008.  They have a growing tax practice with an offices in Tucson, Arizona.  They recently added a new office up in Phoenix and work between the two.  Cooper has advised me on my taxes ever since I became a business owner back in 2010.  He is an exceptional accountant and what sets him apart from the rest is his level of service.  He’s quick to answer questions and excellent at explaining the intricacies of tax law.